Reports and studies | Red Regional para el Fomento de la Internacionalización de la Educación Superior en América Latina
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Reports and studies

Monographic studies

"The International Dimension of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean"


  • To identify the main characteristics of the internationalization and international cooperation processes in the HEIs of the region.
  • To evaluate the state of development of the internationalization process at the regional level.
  • To formulate recommendations on internationalization policies and actions that are adapted to the needs and specificities of the heterogeneous spectrum of HE system in the region.


  • National, regional and bi-regional cooperation case studies.
  • Data collection techniques: interviews, surveys, videoconferences, bibliographic review.

"Good Practices on Internationalization of HE in Latin America and the Caribbean"


  • Identify and disseminate the characteristics and best practices of the internationalization process of HEIs in Latin America and the Caribbean.


  • National case studies.
  • Data collection techniques: interviews, surveys, videoconferences, field visits.
  • The chapters will be from 1500 to 2000 words.
  • Guidelines for internationalization management.