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In 1987, the program focused on higher education students. Since then, it has been extended and now it offers opportunities of vocational training, primary and secondary education, adults' education, youth and sports. 

In 2014 Erasmus+ was created, which brought together in a single program all the initiatives in the fields of education, training, youth and sport (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig, Jean Monnet, Erasmus Mundus, Alfa Edulink, Youth in Action and Sport). 

What began in 1987 as a student mobility program has grown and enriched the lives of more than 9 million direct participants, not to mention the indirect impact it has had on many others. 

This European and international cooperation mobility platform brings together people from very different backgrounds. It gives them the necessary skills to lead independent and full lives and helps them find their place in our societies and to develop a sense of global identity that complements our national, regional and local identities.
