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Convocatoria de propuestas de ponencia de la AIEA 2018

¡Todavía hay tiempo para presentar una propuesta para la conferencia anual de 2018! Se aceptan propuestas hasta el 15 de agosto de 2017

There's still time to submit a proposal for the 2018 Annual Conference! Proposals are accepted through August 15, 2017Submit a Proposal 
Please note that AIEA is using a new Call for Proposals system this year, so submitters will need to create a new account.  Step-by-step instructions for using the new system are available. 
Session chairs or those considering submitting a proposal should keep the following suggestions in mind: 

  • The most common reason that proposals are not accepted at AIEA conferences is because they are not at an appropriate level for  members: senior leaders in international higher education.  Proposals with Senior International Officers (or their international equivelants) as presenters/facilitators and that focus on strategic-level issues tend to be given greater consideration by the conference committee.
  • Sessions should go beyond a description of a successful initiative or program and describe relevant information and lessons learned that can be applied to different contexts (different institutional types; institutions outside the U.S., etc.). 
  • Sessions should build from the collective knowledge and experience that participants bring by building substantive discussion with and among session attendees. In many ways, all AIEA conference participants are experts with meaningful contributions to session topics. Proposals should capitalize on insight from participants through thoughtful and intentionally-developed discussion.

AIEA members are encouraged to invite overseas partners and local colleagues to submit a proposal for the Annual Conference.