The International Dimension of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean | Red Regional para el Fomento de la Internacionalización de la Educación Superior en América Latina
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The International Dimension of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean

The International Dimension of Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean

This monograph contributes to the understanding of the current state of the internationalization of higher education process in the participating countries; plus, a reflection about the regional situation in general.
The material is organized in three sections. The first section offers a characterization of the Latin American and Caribbean internationalization process of higher education in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. Each chapter briefly describes the higher education system in each country, and explains the development of the international dimension in higher education institutions and the main actors that have promoted this process, along with the programs, policies and actions to promote internationalization actions and challenges to move towards a new stage of internationalization, beyond academic mobility.
The second section presents three cases of best practices of internationalization of higher education between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean.
The third section includes a description of the Latin American associations that have promoted the internationalization of higher education in the region: the Mexican Association for International Education (Asociación Mexicana para la Educación Internacional, AMPEI); Colombian Association of Universities (Asociación Colombiana de Universidades, ASCUN); the Association of Universities Grupo Montevideo (Asociación de Universidades Grupo Montevideo, AUGM), and the Brazilian Association for International Education (Associação Brasileira de Educação Internacional, FAUBAI). The section includes their respective backgrounds, objectives and relevance in promoting the process of internationalization of higher education in their countries and the region.